Processor Smartphones are built with a system-on-a-chip architecture that combines all functions into a single piece of silicon. Processor speed is measured in terms of MegaHertz or GigaHertz. Processors can be overclocked, to improve performance or underclock to reduce performance and benefit of battery life. Dual-Core processors are powerful processors with two cores in a chip. The famousm1GHz processors complete system tasks and hardware multimedia acceleration at high clock speeds ,with low power consumption. They also work with the phone’s software to decode high definition video and ensure faster, smoother Web browsing.A processor's speed in GHz, refers to the speed of the processor's internal clock. Every time that the clock ticks, the processor can execute an instruction or read and write data. A 3.0 GHz processor has 3 billion opportunities per second to do a task.Enternal clock speeds tell how fast the processor can communicat...